Friday, September 21, 2007

It looks like Paris is gone. sorry to all those who wanted to follow along.. but the Paris Doll is gone. sorry again.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

it's been Awhile!

It's been over a month since I had heard any news on where Paris was. I was worried that she had been taken taken captive by a MAD, DERANGED, AND POSSIBLY...DIRTY THOUGHTED individual who had take her home and did horrible things upto and including eliminating her. But she has popped up in a cache in Prescott Arizona. Here is the story that was sent.

"Paris recently took a flight out of Arizona in an attempt to hide out in Michigan. After spending some time there the locals started getting suspicious. So Paris decided to fly back and try her luck back in Arizona. After seeing the beautiful state of Michigan, Phoenix was quickly becoming a little too plain for her tastes. She stayed mostly indoors during the hottest month of the year before braving the heat and heading up north a bit. She hitched a ride with The Goggled Crusaders and traveled 140 miles to the small town of Prescott AZ. There she blended in with some other people on the run and is currently laying low in a TB Hotel."

- The Goggled Crusaders.

She is now at:
Narrow Bridge TB Hotel
Prescott AZ

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Hey guys,

The Goggled Crusaders found Paris hiding in Tarantula Nest, a geocache out in Chandler, AZ and brought her into our office where we work. Paris was like, “Thank God, spiders are icky.”

They were going to take her with them to Mexico in about a month, so she hung around our office this week in the air conditioning playing with the toys on our desks. She got to see what it’s like working in a web design company, and she also got a chance to check up on her website.

Then Paris heard I was going to Michigan in a few days with Ztrak and so she decided to come with us instead of waiting around for a ride to Mexico. I think she was getting tired of the desert.

Anyway, Paris wanted me to drop you a line and let you know she's okay. Here are a couple pictures. We leave for Michigan on Monday to go celebrate the 4th of July hillbilly style. Talk to you later!

Mad Mel

Fake Paris Out of Jail!

Let me tell you... Fake Paris got out of jail jail this week. We've talked and here's the deal. Neither of us are ready to resume our roles in life. So I'm still running. I'll still keep you updated on my travels as I continue around the country. I like having my traveling companions letter posted, so I think they may be the bulk of my posts. But as flighty as I am... you never know. Anyway, thanks again to all those who helped me hide out.

Friday, June 22, 2007

I'm back in Hiding!

It has been a TERRIFIC WEEK. "Ocie Dog" (that's what he asked me to call him) was a wonderful traveling companion and smuggled me ALL over the west. I've been to some great places that I would have never been if not for this experience. Thanks to "Ocie" for the great ride! Here is a picture journal of where we went.

"New Year's Birthday Cache" via boat - GC1045G

Ocotillo Golf Course in Chandler, AZ

We were joined by the Percy TB and we went to VEGAS! Here we are at the Las Vegas, NV Airport

What can I say, I LOVE Las Vegas, NV

"A Novel Idea" cache in Spokane,WA - GCH83Q
I've always wondered what was in a library, who new that people reused books... ever here of Barnes & Noble?

University? I'de rather shop!

Just so you know.....More than just Potatoes

We spent A LOT of time on the road...

"Ocie Dog" like to visit colleges.. I think my traveling companions were trying give me some future options.. Whatever !!!

"Study Break" cache with Boa Python in Lewiston, ID - GCKD5Y

I don't know why, but they insisted I touch this nasty snake. I did it and we moved on. yuck!

"Ferret's TB Hotel" cache in Lewiston, ID - GCRYZC with Silver Spoon TB

In Lewiston, ID - note the bottom line.. Can you believe we hung out here? NO DRINKS!

"Outfield to Arms" cache in Lewiston, ID - GCB0B7

It was a bit cool, so I tried on this T-Shirt... it was a little... "out" for me.

Paris in AirForce shirt with Success Spoon TB in
"Carol Martin's Memorial Cache" in Idaho GCZW3F

"Walk on the Boardwalk" cache in Coeur d' Alene - GCDDF2

I got out for a stroll around the Coeur d' Alene Golf Resort in ID

"It's A Gamble" cache in Coeur d' Alene, ID - GCYCY8

"HWY 95 South Bound TBs" cache - GCJW1F

...finally back to the Airport in Spokane, WA

Well, the very well needed fun run is over. Thanks again "Ocie Dog"!!! I will remember you always. I'm back in hiding where I don't think anyone will look. Hopefully someone will be able to give me a ride soon.

"Tarantula Nest" in Chandler, Arizona - GCPQR6

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Traveling Everywhere!!

Paris has been having so much fun, she forgot to write home. but we have received the following communication from her current traveling companions. We hope that Paris will be back in a Cache soon. Thanks for all of your enthusiasm!

Paris is on the run. She spent Father's day at the Ocotillo Golf club in Arizona. Monday, she flew to Vegas and was able to get to the slot machines for a quick break. After spending Monday in Las Vegas Nevada, she flew to Spokane Washington and spent June 19th there. She will be flying to Coeur d' Alene, ID on Wednesday where she will be able to golf at the home of the floating green . The following week she will drive to Utah on June 29th. The first week of July she will fly to Washington State, Canada, and then Illinois. Due to the constant movement in order to evade the police, we haven't found place to download our pictures. We have taken them and they will be coming soon.

A friend to Paris

It definitely looks like she has been well cared for, many more will have the opportunity to help soon.

Thanks Again,
Help Paris Run Team

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Quick Update!

I'm sneaking a quick minute to let you all know that I am safe. I'm traveling with someone who, for reasons of his own, wants to remain nameless, and descriptionless for now. I don't know when we will be separating, but I hope it soon. I will update when I can. Thanks for all of you undying support and interest. This is going to be the best summer vacation EVER!